Parent Teacher and Friends Association
Welcome to St Thomas More Hull Parents, Teachers, and Friends Association (STM Hull PTFA). Everyone in the school community is automatically part of the PTFA and we would love you to get involved in any way you can. The PTFA is an opportunity for parents and staff to get to know each other; build the whole school community; organise fun events for the students and fundraise for the school. On 6 July 2021 we had the first AGM for the STM Hull PTFA. At this AGM a committee membership was established. The current PTFA committee members are Michelle Robson (Chair), Hannah Leech (Vice-Chair), Michael Harrop (Treasurer), and Marian Quinn (Ordinary Member). We are very excited about planning some events and raising money for STM in 2021/22.
Get Involved!
Remember everyone in the school community is automatically part of the PTFA. We welcome your support and input at any level so please do get in contact! You might want to become a committee member, or volunteer for a singe event, or have an idea for an event or fundraising activity. We can use any ideas or skills you have. Our first event we hope will be a ‘welcome back’ school disco so watch this space!