Admission Arrangements
St Thomas More Voluntary Catholic Academy is its own admissions authority with responsibility for setting its own admission arrangements. We are guided in that responsibility by the requirements of the law, by advice from the Diocesan Trustees and its duty to the Catholic community and the Common Good.
- 2026-27 Admission Arrangements
- 2022-23 Admission Arrangements
- 2023-24 Admission Arrangements
- 2024-25 Admission Arrangements
- Supplementary Information Form
- Appeals Information
Determined Admission Arrangements for 2025/26
In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act, we have now determined our Admission Arrangements for 2025/26, PAN 30.
Objections about a school’s admissions arrangements can be made to the schools adjudicator and should be made before 15 May in the year they are set. If you feel that a school's admission arrangements are unlawful or do not comply with the school admissions code
Contact the schools adjudicator
We understand that choosing a school for your child will be a very important decision. We welcome visits to our school by prospective families so that we can show you what we have to offer here at St Thomas More VC Academy.
For children starting school for the first time and in-year transfer requests, applications for a place at our school must be made through your home Local Authority. Visit our neighbouring Local Authority websites for more information: