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At St Thomas More we are supported by the Trust Chaplaincy Team.

Chaplains fill a pivotal role in the life of our school by ensuring that the Chaplaincy mission is at the heart of everything we do. They encourage our students to explore their faith by leading liturgies, extra-curricular activities including prayer groups and the Mini Vinnies (SVP) group. They also support the pastoral care of our students and liaise with our family of schools and parishes.

Within school the Junior Chaplaincy team are a group of pupils from each year group who have the following role:

· To help the school to be a community of faith.

· To encourage pupils to live their faith in daily living.

· To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.

· To support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.

· To continue to develop strong links with local parishes.

· To support through Christ to inspire, learn, achieve and grow.


Class Worship

The children take ownership of their learning and develop their own relationship with God. Children plan and deliver their own Liturgies, with varying degrees of support from staff. This time allows children to be reflective and think of their own needs of others.

St Cuthbert's Academy Trust

Every year the St Cuthbert's Academy chaplaincy team hold a Junior Chaplaincy Commissioning Day for all the junior chaplains in the Trust to get together, have fun and share ideas.